Dubai property market should…
In recent weeks, there appears to have been a plethora of commentary suggesting that the government should take measures to halt the supply of real estate. This has contributed to…
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The connect between hard…
You see it every time, yet whenever it happens, it catches people off-guard. Economic sluggishness has a habit of exerting pressure in systems, both professional and (more…)
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Business of eCommerce is…
Dubai: Want to launch an eCommerce business in the UAE? In theory, it’s about the easiest thing to do as long as you have the bare minimum funds to set…
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Hanging up on cold…
There has been a number of commentators who have referred to the need for reforms in various sectors of the economy, from WhatsApp calls and the telecom sector (more…)
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A public-private route to…
There was quite a significant reaction to my last column regarding a structure that resembled something similar to what the US did with the RTC (Resolution Trust corporation) bailout of…
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Fast-tracking revival of stalled…
With the Schon episode, the Dubai Lands Department has boldly - and effectively - stated its intention of not tolerating errant developers. This evolution of regulation is in line with…
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It’s only bubbles that…
Conversations about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies continue to proliferate, even as prices of most continue to fall. I have been asked to repeatedly comment on the (more…)
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Warning signs should flash…
In every slowdown, the nature of disputes arising signal in some sense the underlying building blocks of businesses from sector to sector. Commercial stakeholders in the (more…)
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Terminating a rental contract…
Rents in decline and you thinking of shifting to a new location in Dubai to make use of it? Think again, it may not be as straightforward as that. “There…
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UAE’s dispute laws are…
In recent months, with the slowdown in real estate activity, there - predictably - has been a flurry of queries as clients become more litigious in trying to protect their…
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Making a case for…
Ever since I started commenting publicly, I have never received as much interest as I did when I wrote (and spoke) about the perils of bitcoin and crypto-assets. Even though…
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UAE’s legal reforms push…
There seems to be this impression among some clients that UAE laws are sometimes opaque, and that investors prefer to deal with the DIFC or the ADGM rule book, which…
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Steps taken to cool…
Dubai’s real estate authorities are likely to step in to cool down the off-plan residential sales rush, which, if left unchecked, could have created the risk of too much supply…
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Joint venture formations hinge…
Joint venture agreements have become an increasingly common way to fund projects in the UAE, especially in the area of real estate. Agreements ranging from (more…)
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With all investment crazes,…
Mis-selling of investment products is something that frequently crosses my desk in the form of complaints by investors. Over the years, there has been so much (more…)
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So-called market practices can…
In recent months, there has been a lot of feedback regarding the ability of developers to shortchange their customers, either through incomplete disclosure and/or (more…)
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Make sure the Oqood…
In recent months, it has been highlighted that for a number of new launches by private sector developers, the “Oqood” contract has not been registered. This has served in many…
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Going about launching the…
Company formation has been among the most frequently asked questions in the UAE. Given the dynamic business culture the country actively fosters, it is (more…)
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Bounced cheques and the…
Whether during recessions or booms, there has seldom been a topic that gets as much attention as a bounced cheque in the UAE. From a legal perspective, therefore, it is…
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Making honest brokers out…
For any market to be dynamic and healthy, the regulation of the intermediary is essential. It is the intermediary that on the one hand inspires confidence, and on the other…
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New requirements will not…
Last month’s column on offshore companies led to a storm of requests seeking clarifications on a number of issues, particularly with those related to reporting. (more…)
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An offshore licence comes…
There has been considerable talk about offshore companies and what they can - and cannot do - in Dubai. Given the amount of queries received, it is worthwhile to examine…
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Construction disputes needn’t be…
The passage of Law No 16 of 2011 in Dubai allows for parties to voluntarily opt for common law courts of the DIFC to settle their disputes. Given the nature…
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Dubai’s push for transparent…
Given the large role that real estate plays in the economy, it is of little surprise that legislation in this sector has been among the most proactive in the world,…
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Dubai’s unified rental contract…
The issue of rents remains one of the more sensitive areas of real estate regulation in Dubai and the UAE, particularly in the residential space. And given the fact that…
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Developers raise the stakes…
Dubai: Don’t fall foul of Dubai’s developers - there’s a steep price to pay for investors if they do so. There has been a sharp increase in the number of…
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Dubai developers would welcome…
A number of proposals have been floating around in the media about what Dubai’s Higher Committee on Real Estate should be implementing. Ranging from a complete clampdown on new launches…
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Offshore companies can still…
Given the recent “leaks” that have dominated headlines regarding offshore accounts, it comes as no surprise when clients stipulate that they want nothing to do (more…)
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Dubai realty regulations now…
The UAE in general and Dubai in particular is characterised by the quality and grandeur of its properties, with real estate sector one of the most important tributaries of the…
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