In Nasser Malalla Advocates and Legal Consultants law firm, we offer our experience in the “personal status cases” with great care, since these cases are related to the most important element in one’s life, which is his family and his own flesh and blood. Therefore, we exert great effort to reach a solution that satisfies both parties even before taking legal action. We ask both parties to hold a meeting to reach convergence as much as possible in order to reach a fair and legal settlement that preserves the rights of the parties, especially the rights of the children whom we consider as the cornerstone in any settlement that shall be signed.In addition, we preserve the confidentiality of information and the privacy of the clients and litigants equally. Our legal team in this section has a great experience and defends the clients professionally through bringing every detail before the judge, either in oral pleadings or written memos supported by documents proving all the rights of the clients.
Among the cases where the firm represents its clients are cases of at-fault divorce, divorce due to either abandonment, non-payment of spousal support during marriage, not providing suitable marital residence, as well as cases of child custody, divorce by way of abdication “Khul’a”, and cases of estates, inheritance and issuing decree of distribution. Our staff always make sure that you receive the required service in the proper time as soon as possible. We also help you to take the right decision.